Search results for "Kotono Mitsuishi"
“The Journey” is a Japanese-Saudi Arabian animated film co-produced by Toei Animation and Manga Productions directed by Shizuno Koubun. The film revolves around a potter named Aws who joins a…
In the aftermath of the Fourth Impact, stranded without their Evangelions, Shinji, Asuka, and Rei search for refuge in the desolate red remains of Tokyo-3. But the danger to the…
Doraemon the Movie: Nobita’s New Dinosaur will be Doraemon’s 40th film which will premiere on the big screen in 2020. Doraemon this movie will show something different from films with…
In the suburbs of Tokyo some time ago, there lived a clumsy boy about 10 years old. There appeared in front of him named Sewashi, Nobita’s descendant of four generations…
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