Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6
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Money Heist Season 3 Episode 6
After almost getting caught by Raquel at the scrapyard, The Professor has to find a way to scare of a witness that could reveal his identity. One clue he deliberately left behind helps the police to identify Berlin, who seeks revenge once his own name is revealed and slandered in the media – which leads to an unexpected discovery. Meanwhile, the police is searching for a mole in their own midst.
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Serie: Money Heist
Director: Miguel Ángel Vivas
Guest Star: Alfonso Egea, Anna Gras, Clara Alvarado, Cristina Saavedra, Fernando Soto, Fran Morcillo, Juan Fernández, Luis Bermejo, Mario de la Rosa, Nacho Abad, Naia Guz Sanchez, Peter Nikolas, Roberto García Ruiz, Susanna Griso